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Working Together: Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony

So how Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony resolve disagreements during their intense collaboration on vol. 3 of the monumental “History of Woman Suffrage”? ECS’s daughter Margaret who was living with them at the time observed: “Susan is punctilious on dates, mother on philosophy, but each contends as stoutly in the other’s domain as if it were her own particular province.

Sometimes these disputes run so high that down go the pens, and one sails out one door and one out the other. And then, just as I have made up my mind that this beautiful friendship of 40 years has at last terminated, I see them, arm in arm, walk down the hill to a seat where we often go to watch the sun set in all his glory. When they return, they go straight to work where they left off as if nothing had happened. I never hear another word on that point.”

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