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Writer's picturePenny Colman

Please give credit where credit is due!

On Sunday, I read a front page article in The Record about a recent rock slide at the Palisades, the monumental cliffs along the Hudson River, north of the George Washington Bridge. Knowing that it was the club women of New Jersey who spearheaded the crusade in the late 1890s to stop the quarrying industry from relentlessly blowing up the cliffs, you can imagine my reaction when I read that the Palisades were saved by “some of the most powerful New Yorkers of the day” followed by a string of men’s names!!! The perfect line for a letter to the editor popped into my head as I drove across the bridge to pick up my granddaughter for the day: “Please give credit where credit is due.” My letter with that lead is in today’s paper, p A-8. The photo is of a castle-like structure on the Palisades honoring the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Club and its members who saved the Palisades. There is also a plaque in Ross Dock, site of one of the quarrying companies, close to the western end of the George Washington Bridge.  Here’s a link to my letter:

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