March 8th is International Women’s Day, a day of world-wide events, including a two-day workshop in Saudi Arabi on women’s economic rights, an anti-domestic violence event in Albania, a discussion about women’s world-wide friendships and children’s rights in Iceland, and a musical festival in Kenya. IWD dates back to 1908 and a march by thousands of women workers. The day was named in 1909 and widely celebrated by 1911, the year of the infamous Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in New York City that killed 146 girls and women. In the 1970s, the UN held a global IWD. I’ll be marking it by speaking at Borders Bookstore in Ft. Lee, NJ, on Adventurous Women: Eight True Stories About Women Who Made A Difference. My appearance coincides with a Sophie-sleep-over so she’ll be there too; very cool because I dedicated that book to her!
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